Save 50–75% in staff time by modernising, automating, and centralising document flow.

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7 Ways to Increase Law Firm Profitability

Focusing on and maintaining profitability is critical, and we have some ideas about changes you can make that can increase your revenue and decrease your expenses...

Do's and Don'ts for Training and Implementation — Legal Software Purchase

Investing in training can be daunting, so make sure you are setting up your people for success...

Happy Holidays: A Message from David Swadden, CEO

We would like to wish all our clients and readers a wonderful holiday season to round out the year...

7 Steps for Evaluating Legal Tech — Legal Software Purchase

Law firms need a methodology for evaluating the addition of any new technology for their business...

Get Everyone Involved — Legal Software Purchase

The number one error we see when firms purchase legal technology is not involving all relevant stakeholders...

Full Service Requests Announcement

Today, Tracument is very pleased to announce that we have a new product joining our platform: Full Service Requests are now available to all firms!

There is Never a Good Time — Legal Software Purchase

Law firms are increasingly aware that they must keep up with technology, but find it difficult to do so...

Buying Guide — Legal Software Purchase

An introduction to our guide for selecting, purchasing, and implementing technology in your law firm...

Create Positive Interactions to Support Your Employees Working from Home

Remote work is, in some capacity, here to stay. It's clear that employees want it, and if done properly employers can benefit from it...

How to Ensure Remote Productivity

How do you know your team is actually maintaining their productivity when working from home? The first and easiest way is to measure outcomes.

How to Support Your Employees Technologically When They Work from Home

Your employees will need access to the technologies they have in the office...

Develop a Policy to Support Your Employees Working from Home

Fully 80% of respondents who gave their firm five stars had a hybrid or work-from-home (WFH) arrangement during the pandemic, and 95% of those individuals expected their firm to permit a similar arrangement to persist into the future.

Reduce the time it takes to bring records into your office, and save staff time while doing so

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