Save 50–75% in staff time by modernising, automating, and centralising document flow.

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Buying Guide — Legal Software Purchase

An introduction to our guide for selecting, purchasing, and implementing technology in your law firm...

Create Positive Interactions to Support Your Employees Working from Home

Remote work is, in some capacity, here to stay. It's clear that employees want it, and if done properly employers can benefit from it...

How to Ensure Remote Productivity

How do you know your team is actually maintaining their productivity when working from home? The first and easiest way is to measure outcomes.

How to Support Your Employees Technologically When They Work from Home

Your employees will need access to the technologies they have in the office...

Develop a Policy to Support Your Employees Working from Home

Fully 80% of respondents who gave their firm five stars had a hybrid or work-from-home (WFH) arrangement during the pandemic, and 95% of those individuals expected their firm to permit a similar arrangement to persist into the future.

5-Star Law Firm - How to Become One?

In January 2022, Tracument surveyed hundreds of legal professionals in order to better understand how those responsible for law firms had handled the COVID-19 Pandemic and to better understand how law firms would take the many changes they had made into the future.

COVID-19 Pandemic and Employee Retention

In January 2022, Tracument completed a survey of over 300 legal professionals across various types of law and across Canada.

2 Strategies Paralegals Can Use to Maximise their Qualities

Christopher shares more of what he has learned while working in various aspects of the legal industry over the past dozen years.

4 Qualities Firms Consider Essential for a Great Paralegal

Christopher shares some of the things that he has learned over the dozen years he has spent working in various aspects of the legal industry.

Spring Cleaning Habits

One of the downsides to running a busy practice is that there is little time to undertake a review of the habits that make up your business. Those habits, like your office and your files, can use a good Spring Cleaning, and there is no better time than March to do this. Because we at Tracument focus on getting documents in and out of your office more efficiently, this month's blog post will focus on that part of your practice.

3 Simple Security Tips to Protect Your Firm's Data

Spring is almost here, hopefully. We continue to receive mixed messages from the weather, but now is a good time to think about doing some Spring Cleaning around your firm. This blog post will highlight three areas where firm administrators can do an annual check-in to make sure their basic security policies and procedures are as effective as possible.

IME Provider Relations

In our recent blog post series, I have leveraged my experience of nearly five years in the IME business to provide you, the legal professional, with best practices and tips on how to prepare for an IME, how to manage the post-IME period, and how to assess the quality of a new expert.

Reduce the time it takes to bring records into your office, and save staff time while doing so

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